Like last year, the festival is going to be very different to the pre-Covid festivals and we have gone back to basics in considering how it will be run. This means that volunteering may be different and so that you know what changes have been made we want to let you know how things will work this year.
As in the past, volunteers will be able to try the beers and ciders on offer free of charge. Given that the festival will have a far smaller capacity and that we will have fewer volunteers, one change is that only volunteers who work on Friday and Saturday will be able to drink free of charge on these days. So, if you were to volunteer on Tuesday and Wednesday but preferred not to drink on those days but instead come back later, it would have to be on Thursday. If you help with set-up and/or take-down then your badge will include Friday and Saturday.
Volunteers who work over four hours will be entitled to one meal token per day. So, if you are starting at noon and working until say, 8pm you will get one token because we anticipate that you would have had lunch before arriving.
Anyone who volunteers for eight hours or more will be provided with a festival polo shirt. You will also need to ensure that you get your form back to us by 14th June. Anyone whose form arrives after this date may not have a polo ordered for them as we will need to place our order in advance.
As last year, we probably need fewer volunteers in some areas but more in others. For example, the festival’s bars will be cash free so we will need far fewer people in the finance team but we may need more people on entrance to handle beer tokens/cards. So, could you have a think about what you would be willing to do and maybe try some different things. We hope you will view this as an opportunity to try something new and not be disappointed if you aren’t asked to work in your first-choice role.
The volunteer form is here. Please tick as many boxes on the form as you can so that we have as much flexibility as possible to make the festival a success.
There will be a volunteer briefing at 7.30pm on Monday 15th July so please come if you can.